分 | レポート |
45' | At the end of the first half Empoli 1 Inter 2 |
44' | Coco falls to the ground after a contact with Cribari. |
43' | Emre blocks Empoli from counter attacking with a tight marking in the middle of the pitch |
41' | Crespo tries a half-volley from outside the box just past Bert right-hand post. |
37' | Crespo applies the pressure on Berti, causing a weak clearence |
33' | Rocchi tries a shot from outside the box, Toldo saves |
32' | Vivas booked for fouling Di Natale from behind. |
30' | Crucial save from Berti on a close range shot from Crespo |
29' | Free kick from the left side, Crespo clears |
27' | Cappellini for Rocchi who tries to curl one to far side. Ball finishes way high |
23' | After 15' of play, both teams are playing keep away, after a quick start |
18' | From the right, Cappellini 25- yard free kick met by Belleri, header over Toldo's crossbar |
16' | Recoba beats the offside trap, but Berti comes up with a great save. |
15' | Di Natale brings 1 back for Empoli, with a inside-foot shoot beating Toldo on the short side |
10' | Goal! Zanetti 2 Empol 0, Nerazzurro captain shoots from outside the box giving Berti no chance. |
9' | Zanetti cross deflects for a corner |
8' | Rocchi on the break, in front of Toldo, but fans on the shot and goes way wide |
5' | Goooalll! Crespo gives Inter a 0-1_ lead. Inside the box, taps in a close range rebound. |
3' | Zanetti cross from the left wing, but an Empoli defender clears |
2' | Recoba caught offside after receiving an assist from Zanetti |
1' | a minute's silence to remember Gianluca Signorini |
1' | Inter kick off against Empoli |
分 | レポート |
49' | Final score: Empoli 3 Inter 4 |
47' | Tavano scores off a rebound in the 6-yard box. Inter 4 Empoli 3 |
45' | 4 minutes of injury time added on |
44' | Belleri falls to the ground after a contact with Emre |
40' | Inter bring on Dalmat for Recoba |
39' | Goal!!! Corner from Recoba, Adani connects and gives Inter a 4-2 lead |
37' | Coco cross from left for Recoba, but was not able to connect |
37' | Adani stopped on the edge of Empoli's box after a pacy run |
35' | Morfeo cautioned for protesting |
33' | Giampieretti booked for fouling Morfeo from behind |
29' | Cupi anticipates Crespo neutralising danger inside of the box |
28' | Recoba booked for holding Vannucchi's shirt |
25' | Inter substitution - Almeyda on for Di Biagio |
23' | Cribari back header for Belleri, but was not able to connect |
22' | Recoba free kick too central and Berti collects |
18' | Inter substitution - Adani on for Vivas |
16' | Goal. Vannucchi strikes a right-footed free kick into the bottom left hand corner |
15' | Zanetti is shown the yellow card for fouling Vannucchi from behind |
14' | Recoba's goal called back on a doubtful offside |
10' | Vannucchi from the edge of the box fires the ball just wide |
9' | Recoba tries a volley from outside the box, just wide from Berti left-hand post |
7' | Empoli substitution - Tavano on for Cappellini and Vannucchi on for Grella |
4' | GOAL! Recoba 3 Empoli 1. A 30- yard shot from outside the box finds the top right-hand corner |
3' | Recoba was not able to connect on a through ball |
2' | Di Natale opens for Rocchi down the middle and Toldo comes up with a foot save |
1' | Empoli substitution- Cupi for Lucchini |
1' | Empoli gets the second half underway. |