L'urlo di Frattesi: l'Inter batte il Verona nel recupero


6 gen 2024

2-1 a San Siro, ma succede di tutto: Lautaro segna nel primo tempo, Henry pareggia. Dopo il 90' il gol di Frattesi e il palo su rigore del Verona al 100'

Siamo ancora lì, appesi alla transenna, assieme a Davide Frattesi e Lautaro Martinez. Siamo lì che gridiamo, nel frastuono di San Siro, che è esploso, si è incendiato in uno dei match con i minuti di recupero più folli di sempre. Siamo anche lì, sui seggiolini di San Siro, in un silenzio irreale. Al 100', non è un errore di battitura, al decimo minuto di recupero: tutto lo stadio trattiene il fiato, non ci sono rumori. Si sente il fischio di Fabbri, il tempo si ferma: Sommer è spiazzato, il Verona sta per segnare il 2-2 su rigore. La palla di Henry va sul palo: sdeng, il rumore rimbomba, subito mangiato dal boato di uno stadio stremato e pazzo di gioia. Forse è finita, sì è finita. 102 minuti, gli ultimi 12 senza spartito, solo calcio, sentimenti ed emozioni. E' l'Inter, che regala giornate difficili da raccontare, che tempra il fisico e allena lo spirito. La gioia ormai insperata arriva al 93', quando Frattesi segna da pochi passi il gol del 2-1. L'Inter aveva condotto il match, dopo il vantaggio di Lautaro al 12', ma si era fatta raggiungere da un indomito Verona, capace di pareggiare al 74' con Henry. Poi una occasione mancata dopo l'altra, alcune in maniera clamorosa, in un mix di sfortuna e incredulità. Una partita stregata, certificata dall'azione del gol vittoria, durante la quale prima Bastoni colpisce un'incredibile traversa di sinistro, poi dove Barella trova il miracolo di Montipò. C'è Frattesi, però. Arriva come un treno, segna, esulta, si inerpica sulle recinzioni, grida con il popolo nerazzurro. Una gioia bella, libera, incredibile. Il Verona non ci sta, resta in 10 ma va avanti, spinto da giovani con gamba e idee. Va in avanti, trova palloni in area, va all'assalto anche con il portiere. Ecco: a recupero inoltrato, l'Inter vola in contropiede, la porta sguarnita, non segna e si dispera ma si chiede: "Sarà finita?". No, per niente. Il VAR richiama Fabbri: c'è un fallo di Darmian, c'è un rigore per il Verona. Al 100' Henry spiazza Sommer, ma colpisce il palo. Fine? No: si va avanti, fino al 102': mai, nell'ultimo periodo, un triplice fischio era stato così liberatorio.

48 punti: l'Inter chiude il girone d'andata al comando della classifica, 19 partite sempre in testa per la squadra di Inzaghi, che inaugura il 2024 con una vittoria ricca di spettacolo e colpi di scena. Non è stato un avvio normale, ma nessuno si era illuso che la sfida con il Verona fosse vinta in partenza, nonostante i 31 punti che dividevano le squadre prima del fischio d'inizio. Una partita nella quale Inzaghi ha ritrovato dal primo minuto Pavard, Dumfries e Lautaro. E proprio il Toro ha inaugurato l'anno con il gol del vantaggio, al 12', su grande assist di Mkhitaryan. Un gol bello e significativo per il capitano, che aveva saltato gli ultimi due appuntamenti del 2023. Il peccato dell'Inter, in questo match, è stato quello di non accelerare quanto necessario nel primo tempo, tenendo in partita il Verona. La squadra di Baroni ha vissuto tutto il match sulle giocate di un ottimo Suslov, sulle discese costanti di Tchatchoua, sui palloni diretti al gigante Djuric. Un grande Thuram non è bastato a dare 2 gol di vantaggio all'Inter e nella ripresa il Verona ha capito di poter avere una possibilità. Meglio l'Inter, ovvio, con anche un gol annullato a Lautaro per offside di Acerbi. Ma al 74' Henry trova l'1-1: una palla dalla destra per l'attaccante, appena entrato. Da lì, inizia un altro match: Inter alla disperata ricerca del gol. Quasi confusionario, l'assedio nerazzurro, con Arnautovic sfortunato in un paio di occasioni, clamorose. Il recupero è già nella storia: prima il gol di Frattesi, poi il rosso a Lazovic, infine il rigore sul palo di Henry. Cose da matti, cose da Inter.


Marcatori: 13' Lautaro (I), 74' Henry (HV), 93' Frattesi (I)

INTER (3-5-2): 1 Sommer; 28 Pavard (70 Sanchez 83'), 15 Acerbi, 95 Bastoni; 2 Dumfries (36 Darmian 61'), 23 Barella, 20 Calhanoglu, 22 Mkhitaryan (16 Frattesi 83'), 30 Carlos Augusto (32 Dimarco 73'); 9 Thuram (8 Arnautovic 73'), 10 Lautaro. A disposizione: 12 Di Gennaro, 77 Audero, 5 Sensi, 6 De Vrij, 14 Klaassen, 21 Asllani, 31 Bisseck. Allenatore: Simone Inzaghi.

HELLAS VERONA (4-2-3-1): 1 Montipò; 38 Tchatchoua, 42 Coppola, 23 Magnani, 3 Doig (32 Cabal 73'); 33 Duda, 31 Suslov (37 Charlys 91'); 26 Ngonge (17 Kallon 87'), 90 Folorunsho, 77 Mboula (8 Lazovic 46'); 11 Djuric (9 Henry 73'). A disposizione: 22 Berardi, 34 Perilli, 2 Amione, 5 Faraoni, 13 Cruz, 18 Hongla, 25 Serdar, 99 Bonazzoli. Allenatore: Marco Baroni.

Ammonito: Coppola (HV) Espulso: Lazovic (HV)) al 95' Note: Henry (HV) calcia sul palo un rigore al 100' Recupero: 1' - 12'.

Arbitro: Fabbri. Assistenti: L. Rossi, Cipressa. Quarto ufficiale: Gualtieri. VAR: Nasca. Assistente VAR: Di Vuolo.

MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammatesafter scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammate Marcus Thuram after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammate Marcus Thuram after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale  during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale  during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammate Henrikh Mkhitaryan after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale scores the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammate Benjamin Pavard after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale, in action, scores their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with Benjamin Pavard after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Yann Sommer of FC Internazionale reacts during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Players of FC Internazionale celebrate the victory at the end of the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Yann Sommer of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammate Lautaro Martinez after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Yann Sommer of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Davide Frattesi of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Francesco Acerbi of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Federico Dimarco of FC Internazionale, in action, kicks the ball during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale competes for the ball with Giangiacomo Magnani of Hellas Verona FC during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Hakan Calhanoglu of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Head coach of FC Internazionale Simone Inzaghi gestures during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Francesco Acerbi of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Nicolo Barella of FC Internazionale in  action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Henrikh Mkhitaryan of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale competes for the ball with Jordi Mboula of Hellas Verona FC during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Yann Sommer of FC Internazionale, in action, gestures during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Alessandro Bastoni of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Hakan Calhanoglu of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Nicolo Barella of FC Internazionale in  action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06:  Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with Benjamin Pavard after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 06: Marcus Thuram and Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale look on during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and Hellas Verona FC at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 06, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)

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