Troppa Inter, Salernitana battuta 4 - 0


16 feb 2024

I gol di Thuram, Lautaro, Dumfries e Arnautovic regalano ai nerazzurri altri tre punti: la squadra di Inzaghi sale a quota 63 e si prepara all'ottavo di Champions League contro l'Atletico Madrid

Più di 72mila persone hanno assistito a uno spettacolo bello, coinvolgente, fatto di classe, tecnica, voglia, concentrazione, qualità. Tanta, presente in ogni giocata, in ogni lancio, in ogni schema. Sei bella, Inter. Lo gridano tutti, a San Siro, dentro e in fondo a questo venerdì sera di febbraio, che fa registrare l'ottavo successo su otto partite in questo 2024 finora perfetto. 4-0 alla Salernitana, 4-0 fin stretto: match a senso unico, con un palo, una traversa e i miracoli di Ochoa a tenere stretto il divario numerico. Ma, dal punto di vista del gioco, è stato un cappotto. Troppa Inter, fin dal minuto 1. Travolgente, con la squadra al massimo dei giri per chiudere al più presto le velleità di una Salernitana a caccia di punti salvezza. Un avvio da pazzi, due gol in 86 secondi tra il 17' e il 19' del primo tempo, il tris in chiusura di frazione, il poker in coda al match. Le firme sono di Thuram, Lautaro, Dumfries e Arnautovic, dentro un match che ha visto anche il debutto di Buchanan, a coronamento di una festa per il popolo nerazzurro che, martedì, tornerà a tuonare dagli spalti del Meazza per gli ottavi di Champions contro l'Atletico Madrid. Va a mille all'ora, l'Inter. Non c'è tempo nemmeno di sistemarsi sui seggiolini che è già assedio. La Salernitana, che inizia l'era Liverani a caccia dell'impresa salvezza, è annichilita. Uno, due, tre volte. L'Inter scende, lavora il pallone con azioni spettacolari, fa paura. Ochoa prova a metter e il solito vestito da Superman: gli è già riuscito altra volte, contro i nerazzurri. Inizia, dunque, il suo show tra i pali respingendo il colpo di testa di Bastoni. Thuram, appostato, fa tap-in sul palo. Incredibile. Ma è solo una delle tante cose fantascientifiche che l'Inter mostra sul prato del Meazza in un primo tempo davvero show. Al settimo San Siro ha un flashback. Torna, per qualche istante, al 17 gennaio 2021, Inter-Juventus. Bastoni dalla difesa disegna un lancio semplicemente perfetto: il pallone fluttua in aria, taglia tutto il campo e trova Barella, proiettato in avanti. Controllo e tiro violentissimo, tutto già visto. Ochoa però è super, e devia sulla traversa. Dopo 7 minuti l'Inter ha già un palo e una traversa sul taccuino.

In affanno totale, la Salernitana si aggrappa a salvataggi disperati e parate del portiere messicano, capace di dire no a De Vrij, per poi venire graziato da Lautaro. Non può durare, questa difesa a oltranza. Al 17' il muro cade, grazie a una bellissima palla di Carlos Augusto - caparbio e abile a scendere sulla sinistra - e al perfetto destro di prima di Thuram. Il gol è bellissimo e apre le danze. 86 secondi più tardi la palla è di nuovo nella rete della Salernitana: Lautaro dal limite infila di destro all'angolino. Un 2-0 bello e cercato, che mette la partita sui binari nerazzurri. A innescarlo, ancora una volta, Carlos Augusto: con una rimessa laterale, veloce e lunga, lunghissima, a mettere in difficoltà la difesa e ad attivare il Toro.

Un gol a suo modo storico, quello di Lautaro: il capitano nerazzurro sale a quota 125 con la maglia nerazzurra, issandosi all'ottavo posto solitario nella classifica marcatori dell'Inter di tutti i tempi. 99 i gol in totale in Serie A, soprattutto quota 20 in campionato in 22 presenze. In stagione sono già 23 le reti. Il Toro diventa il terzo giocatore a segnare almeno 20 gol per tre stagioni di fila in Serie A con l'Inter, dopo Giuseppe Meazza (cinque - dal 1929/30 al 1933/34) e Istvan Nyers (quattro - dal 1948/49 al 1951/52).

MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates with team-mates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Henrikh Mkhitaryan of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: A general view of the stadium during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Benjamin Pavard of FC Internazionale, in action, gestures during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Benjamin Pavard of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Benjamin Pavard of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Stefan de Vrij of FC Internazionale, in action, gestures during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Nicolo Barella of FC Internazionale, in action, kicks the ball during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Players of FC Internazionale and US Salernitana line up prior to the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Players of FC Internazionale line up prior to the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)

Stordita dai due gol nerazzurri, la Salernitana prova a serrare i ranghi. Perde anche Boateng, al debutto, e accusa man mano la fatica di dover fronteggiare attacchi così belli, pensati e ragionati, di una Inter che gioca sul velluto. Il tris arriva al 40', dopo una fantastica combinazione tra Lautaro e Barella: Dumfries, in area piccola, deposita in rete di sinistro. La ripresa è un esercizio di concentrazione, tecnica e continuità per l'Inter. Non decelera, anzi. Calhanoglu prova il gol al volo, Lautaro sfiora la doppietta di testa. Martella, poi finalmente l'Inter tira il fiato. I cambi danno respiro, Ochoa in compenso non toglie il mantello e nega il gol a De Vrij. Le occasioni sono tante: a fine partita sul tabellino ci saranno 26 tiri dell'Inter contro 1 della Salernitana (10-0 nello specchio della porta). Dominio totale, al quale partecipa anche Buchanan, al debutto assoluto in maglia nerazzurra: una prima volta per quello che è il primo canadese a giocare nel campionato italiano. Il finale vede un tentativo in rovesciata di Pavard ma, soprattutto, il 4-0. Dumfries, davvero on-fire, trova un perfetto assist per Arnautovic. L'attaccante, che poco prima si era visto annullare un gol per un fuorigioco millimetrico, trova la rete del poker. Sulla quale finisce il match, senza recupero. Ci si rivede a San Siro martedì.


Marcatori: 17' Thuram, 19' Lautaro, 40' Dumfries, 90' Arnautovic

INTER (3-5-2): 1 Sommer; 28 Pavard, 6 De Vrij, 95 Bastoni (17 Buchanan 77'); 2 Dumfries, 23 Barella, 20 Calhanoglu (21 Asllani 66'), 22 Mkhitaryan (14 Klaassen 60'), 30 Carlos Augusto; 9 Thuram (70 Sanchez 60'), 10 Lautaro (8 Arnautovic 60'). A disposizione: 12 Di Gennaro, 77 Audero, 16 Frattesi, 31 Bisseck, 32 Dimarco, 36 Darmian, 50 Stankovic. Allenatore: Simone Inzaghi.

SALERNITANA (3-4-1-2): 13 Ochoa; 4 Pasalidis, 5 Boateng (25 Maggiore 24'), 24 Pellegrino; 6 Sambia, 26 Basic, 18 L. Coulibaly (99 Legowski 65'), 59 Zanoli (20 Kastanos 83'); 87 Candreva; 10 Dia (14 Weissman 65'), 33 Tchaouna (9 Simy 83'). A disposizione: 56 Costil, 62 Allocca, 7 Martegani, 11 Gomis, 44 Manolas, 55 Vignato. Allenatore: Fabio Liverani.

Ammonito: Tchaouna (S) Recupero: 1' - 0'.

Arbitro: Piccinini. Assistenti: Cecconi, C. Rossi. Quarto ufficiale: Camplone. VAR: Serra. Assistente VAR: Valeri.

MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with Denzel Dumfries after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammates after scoring their team's first goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with teammates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with Marcus Thuram after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with Marcus Thuram after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates with Marcus Thuram after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Marko Arnautovic of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's fourth goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Hakan Calhanoglu of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Players of FC Internazionale celebrate the victory at the end of the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Marko Arnautovic of FC Internazionale celebrates with Benjamin Pavard after scoring their team's fourth goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Marko Arnautovic of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring their team's fourth goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Marko Arnautovic of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Yann Sommer of  FC Internazionale reacts during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Tajon Buchanan of FC Internazionale competes for the ball with Junior Sambia of US Salernitana during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Tajon Buchanan of FC Internazionale competes for the ball with Junior Sambia of US Salernitana during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Stefan De Vri of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Tajon Buchanan of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Hakan Calhanoglu of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Alessandro Bastoni of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale scores the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale scores the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Nicolo Barella of FC Internazionale, in action, battles for the ball during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale in actio during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Alessandro Bastoni of FC Internazionale greets the fans during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Tajon Buchanan of FC Internazionale in actionduring the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Stefan de Vrij of FC Internazionale, in action, battles for the ball during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale celebrates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Henrikh Mkhitaryan of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16: Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale, in action, is challenged during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale scores the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale celebrates with team-mates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale celebrates with Lautaro Martinez after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale celebrates with Lautaro Martinez after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale scores the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale celebrates with team-mates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Denzel Dumfries of FC Internazionale celebrates with team-mates after scoring the goal during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - FEBRUARY 16:  Marcus Thuram of FC Internazionale in action during the Serie A TIM match between FC Internazionale and US Salernitana - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on February 16, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)



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Groupage Celebration Scudetto IM2Stars


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