Nainggolan and Cristiano Ronaldo with the goals as Inter and Juventus draw 1 - 1


Apr 27th 2019

The match finished in a draw in front of 73,000 fans at San Siro, the Nerazzurri move up to 62 points

MILAN - A goal in each half meant that the points were shared in front of 73,000 fans at San Siro in the big match between Inter and Juventus during the 34th round of Serie A fixtures. Nainggolan opened the scoring after just eight minutes with a magnificent strike before the visitors equalised through Cristiano Ronaldo in the second half. The result keeps Luciano Spalletti’s side in third on 62 points with four games left this season.

After not even a minute, Bonucci tried to catch Handanovic out from range but it was comfortable for the Nerazzurri goalkeeper. In the eighth minute, Nainggolan broke the deadlock with an incredible goal. The Ninja let fly from around 25 metres out with a superb volley that beat Szczesny and San Siro burst into life. After going ahead, the Nerazzurri continued to attack relentlessly. In the 12th minute, Szczesny tipped an Icardi effort over after he was set up by Vecino. From the corner, the goalkeeper was able to keep De Vrij’s header out. The Juventus goalkeeper was in action again in the 17th minute when he tipped a right-foot strike from Perisic over after it took a deflection. Juventus went on the attack with Bernardeschi hitting a powerful strike over but Inter went close again in the 29th minute. Following a scramble in the box, Icardi got a shot away from close range but it struck the body of Matuidi. Icardi then got his head to the ball from the subsequent corner but he couldn’t direct it on target. Cristiano Ronaldo’s first shot came after 30 minutes with a powerful right-foot effort from the edge of the area that went wide. An intense opening 45 minutes finished with Inter 1-0 up.

Both teams came out unchanged for the second half. Inter almost scored a second in the 57th minute through Perisic. His powerful low shot went just wide of Szczesny’s left post and into the side-netting. Juventus came into the game more as time went on. In the 61st minute, Cancelo squared the ball to Cristiano Ronaldo but De Vrij made a miraculous block. Soon after, the visitors equalised. Cristiano Ronaldo switched with Pjanic at the edge of the box and beat Handanovic with a low effort into the corner. Inter showed determination in their response. In the 70th minute, a great team move saw Perisic play a one-two with Icardi before Szczesny tipped his shot over. Spalletti brought Borja Valero on for Nainggolan but Juventus were dangerous once again. First in the 77th minute, Handanovic was alert to keep Pjanic out before Emre Can narrowly hit the ball over in the 79th minute. At the end, Joao Mario and Lautaro came on for Politano and Icardi. Joao Mario almost made an instant impact when his powerful right-foot shot was turned behind by Szczesny. The Bianconeri went close to winning it in the 90th minute but D’Ambrosio blocked from Pereira  in the six-yard-box after Ronaldo squared it. After three minutes of stoppage time, the final whistle blew and it finished 1-1.

The Nerazzurri’s next match will be on Saturday 4th May at 20:30 CEST in Udine. It’s a game to win at all costs in the Champions League race.

Now and always, #ForzaInter!


Goals: 8' Nainggolan (I), 62' Cristiano Ronaldo (J)

INTER: 1 Handanovic; 33 D'Ambrosio, 6 de Vrij, 37 Skriniar, 18 Asamoah; 8 Vecino, 77 Brozovic; 16 Politano (80' 15 Joao Mario), 14 Nainggolan (74' 20 Borja Valero), 44 Perisic; 9 Icardi (82' 10 Lautaro)

Substitutes: 27 Padelli, 5 Gagliardini, 11 Keita, 13 Ranocchia, 21 Cedric Soares, 23 Miranda, 29 Dalbert, 87 Candreva.

Coach: Luciano Spalletti


JUVENTUS: 1 Szczesny; 23 Emre Can, 19 Bonucci, 3 Chiellini; 20 Cancelo, 16 Cuadrado, 5 Pjanic, 14 Matuidi (60' 18 Kean), 12 Alex Sandro (49' 37 Spinazzola); 33 Bernardeschi (86' 35 Pereira), 7 Ronaldo.

Substitutes: 21 Pinsoglio, 32 Del Favero, 2 De Sciglio, 15 Barzagli, 24 Rugani, 41 Nicolussi Caviglia

Coach: Massimiliano Allegri


Bookings: Cuadrado (J), Perisic (I), Chiellini (J), Kean (J)

Stoppagetime: 0' + 3'

Referee: Luca Banti

Assistants: Vuoto, Manganelli

Fourthofficial: Doveri

VAR: Mazzoleni, Ranghetti


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