1st half
2nd half
Minute | Text commentary |
46' | The referee blows his whistle to bring the first half to a close. The teams head inside with Fiorentina leading 3-0. |
45' | There'll be one minute of added time here in Milan. |
43' | Guarin is booked for a foul on Borja Valero. |
41' | Borja Valero takes aim from just outside the box, but it's way off Handanovic's goal. |
38' | Perisic fires in a cross-come-shot from the right, but Tatarusanu gets down low to save. |
32' | Red card. Miranda is sent off for bringing down Kalinic. The Brazilian defender was the last man. |
26' | Telles looks to surprise Tatarusanu with a free-kick from the left, but it whistles just over the bar. |
23' | Marcos Alonso crosses in from the left for Kalinic, who slides in to make it 0-3 to the visitors. |
18' | Fiorentina make it 0-2. Handanovic does well to keep out Ilicic's long-range effort, but the rebound falls to Kalinic who stabs home. |
17' | Guarin tries a bicycle kick but offside is called just as the ball falls to Miranda in front of goal. |
13' | There's a bit of lull here, with Inter looking to find a quick-fire equaliser but as yet unable to work any clean-cut chances. |
8' | Guarin crosses in from the right for Kondogbia, whose header is easily claimed by Tatarusanu. |
4' | Ilicic makes no mistake from the spot to fire Fiorentina ahead. |
3' | The Nerazzurri goalie gets a booking for his troubles. |
3' | Penalty to Fiorentina. Handanovic fouls Kalinic and the referee points to the spot. |
1' | Here we go, we're nearly ready! Inter will kick us off. |
1' | Inter and Fiorentina walk out at the Meazza. We're about to get underway! |
Minute | Text commentary |
47' | It's all over at the Meazza: Fiorentina secure a 4-1 win at San Siro. |
45' | There will be two minutes' added time here. |
45' | Marco Alonso is booked for pulling back Icardi. |
39' | Kalinic looks to hit across goal from the right. Handanovic makes the block and Ranocchia gets it away for a corner. |
37' | Last change for Fiorentina. Mati Fernandez enters the fray in place of Badelj. |
36' | Yellow card for Medel. |
33' | Mancini makes his third and final change, bringing on Brozovic for Guarin. |
32' | Ilicic squares the ball for Kalinic to slot home into an empty net for 1-4. |
29' | Roncaglia is unable to continue so Gilberto comes on to replace him. |
28' | Play has been stopped for an injury to Roncaglia. |
24' | Paulo Sousa makes a change here, with Blaszczykowski coming on to replace Tomovic. |
23' | Kalinic is booked for handling the ball. |
15' | Second change for the Nerazzurri. Biabiany replaces Perisic. |
15' | GOOOOOOAL!!!! Mauro Icardi heads onto the post from Telles' free-kick, before sticking the rebound home for 1-3! |
14' | Roncaglia fouls Palacio, gifting Inter a dangerous-looking free-kick. |
4' | Badelj has a crack from outside the area, but it's easy for Handanovic. |
1' | The second half gets underway! |
1' | The second half begins with a change in the Inter ranks. Mancini brings on Ranocchia in place of Kondogbia. |