1st half
2nd half
Minute | Text commentary |
45' | No time is added, so the first half of Juventus v Inter comes to a close with the score at 0-0 |
45' | Poli picks up a yellow card for ungentlemanly play |
43' | Zanetti makes another run on wing, but De Ceglie tackles |
40' | Stankovic volleys right-footed from midfield, Buffon denies him after the ball is deflected off Barzagli |
38' | Vucinic shoots right-footed but the ball takes a deflection off Samuel and Julio Cesar makes the ball his |
37' | Chiellini steam-rollers Milito, the referee doesn't even blow for a foul |
35' | Obi blasts left-footed from outside the box but Buffon somehow manages to parry |
34' | Nagatomo is booked for a foul on Pepe |
32' | A long, accurate pass from Stankovic on the half-way line picks out Milito who shoots but Buffon parries. Milito tries again but it's high |
29' | Buffon saves from a Forlan header |
27' | This time Pepe crosses from the left, Caceres pushes the ball through but Vucinic just can't get to it |
25' | Marchisio crosses from the left, but Pepe can't reach it |
25' | Caceres crosses low to find Matri, but his shot is high |
23' | Vidal tries a shot from outside the area, his low right-footed effort is easy for Julio Cesar |
20' | Vucinic starts and finishes an action, picking up Marchisio's shot, but the cross doesn't create any problems |
17' | Matri gets his head to a cross from Caceres but the ball flies straight at Julio Cesar |
14' | Maicon to Milito who tries a right-footed shot, but Buffon is there to save |
10' | Zanetti speeds out of defence on the break and serves Maicon, who hits a hard cross, but Caceres turns the ball away for a corner |
9' | Nagatomo crosses into the box, but Chiellini is there to watch Milito |
4' | Pirlo tries to find Matri from inside the Inter half, he's onside but Julio Cesar makes the save |
3' | Juve are the first to create danger as they break out, Obi and Nagatomo collide, Vidal hits a ball deep for Pepe: he crosses low but Matri can't reach it |
1' | Welcome to the Juventus Stadium where everything is ready for the kick-off of Juventus v Inter in Week 29 Serie A 2011/12 |
1' | Juventus v Inter gets underway as the Bianconeri kick off at the Juventus Stadium |
1' | A minute's silence is observed for the Italian sergeant who lost his life in Afghanistan |
1' | Barzagli makes his return to the Juventus side |
1' | Conte has picked a three-pronged attack with Pepe, Matri and Vucinic |
1' | Midfield is made up of Stankovic and Poli with Zanetti and Obi on the wings; and Forlan and Milito in the forward line |
1' | To face Juventus, Ranieri has selected Lucio and Samuel at the centre of the defence in front of Julio Cesar, with Maicon and Nagatomo playing wide of them |
Minute | Text commentary |
48' | The match ends with Juventus beating Inter by two goals to nil at the Juventus Stadium. The Nerazzurri stay on 41 points |
45' | Referee De Marco allows three minutes of added time |
44' | Julio Cesar saves with his feet from Quagliarella |
40' | Julio Cesar makes an incredible save from Chiellini's header following De Ceglie's corner |
37' | Del Piero lofts in a cross which is only partly cleared by the defence, Quagliarella manages to get into the box but Maicon blocks him |
36' | Maicon places a cross into the centre but Buffon times his exit perfectly |
33' | Maicon intevenes to make a timely save from Quagliarella, who received from Chiellini |
30' | De Ceglie is booked for a foul on Zanetti |
29' | Substitution Juventus: Quagliarella comes on in place of Vucinic |
26' | GOL JUVE: Del Piero receives from Vidal and scores right-footed. Juventus 2-0 Inter |
25' | Julio Cesar parries a shot from Vucinic |
24' | Milito tries to find the net, but his shot is easy for Buffon |
22' | Obi crosses but Poli doesn't get to it and Marchisio turns the ball out |
22' | Inter make a second substitution: Poli makes way for Pazzini |
22' | Inter substitution: Obi comes off and Faraoni is given a chance |
21' | Chiellini crosses but it's too high for Vidal |
19' | Poli's backheel reaches Maicon but Chiellini tackles |
17' | The flag goes up as Vidal is caught offside |
12' | GOAL JUVE: Caceres scores. Pirlo takes a corner, Caceres scores with a header. The Bianconeri take the lead |
12' | Julio Cesar tips a right-footed shot from Marchisio over the bar |
11' | Stankovic tries right-footed, but the ball is deflected |
9' | Samuel blocks Marchisio with his body as he tries to slip through with a ball from del Piero |
8' | Juve make another substitution: Matri comes off to make room for Del Piero |
8' | Juve substitution: Bonucci comes on for Pepe |
7' | Chiellini shoots from outside the area, but it has no power |
6' | Samuel closes Pepe down efficiently following an error on the part of Nagatomo |
6' | Zanetti finds Maicon but he isn't able to aim his cross well enough |
5' | A one-two between Chiellini and Caceres but the shot is off target |
2' | Obi crosses but doesn't reach Poli, Maicon responds from the other side but Vidal beats Nagatomo to the ball and then fouls Obi |
1' | No changes are made at half-time and the second half gets underway |