1st half
2nd half
Minute | Text commentary |
47' | After two minutes of added time, the first half comes to a close with a scoreline of 0-0 |
46' | Maicon crosses from the right and finds Forlan, but his shot is just wide of the Marseille goal |
45' | The referee assigns two minutes of added time |
45' | Inter are awarded a free kick, Sneijder takes it: Mandanda is there to save |
41' | Diawara clears as Sneijder tries a shot |
37' | Morel tries a left-footed shot from outside the box, but it's wide |
34' | Forlan infiltrates from the right and aims a grass-cutter towards Milito, but doesn't make it |
29' | Maicon moves upfield to serve Forlan whose cross towards goal is intercepted by Mandanda |
25' | Valbuena takes a free-kick, but Maicon heads clear |
24' | Zanetti picks up a yellow card for a foul on Mbia |
18' | Remy's header from Azpilicueta's cross flies wide |
16' | Sneijder takes a free-kick which Remy manages to deflect |
15' | Stankovic clears from a Valbuena free-kick, beating Ayew to the ball |
11' | Mandanda saves the day once again getting his chest between Milito and an almost certain goal |
8' | Mandanda pulls off an incredible save as he dives to save from Sneijder from five yards out |
5' | Nagatomo dashes in to cut off a Marseille counter-attack |
2' | Valbuena tries to surprise him with a left-footed shot, but Julio Cesar has it covered |
1' | Welcome to the Stadio Meazza: we are all set up waiting for the kick off here of Inter v Olympique Marseille, the second leg of the Champions League round of 16 |
1' | The Nerazzurri kick off |
1' | Zanetti, Stankovic and Poli are playing in midfield, with Sneijder linking up with strikers Milito and Forlan |
1' | For the tie against Marseille Ranieri has picked Lucio and Samuel in the centre of defence ahead of Julio Cesar, with Maicon and Nagatomo playing wide |
Minute | Text commentary |
50' | Inter v Olympic Marsille finishes 2-1 but it just isn't enough to send the Nerazzurri through to the next round |
50' | Goal Inter: Pazzini hits the penalty right-footed and scores |
49' | Marseille substitution: Ayew is taken off for Bracigliano |
48' | Mandanda receives a red card |
48' | Penalty for Inter after Mandanda takes Pazzini out |
47' | Goal Marseille: Brandao hits left-footed and scores |
45' | Three minutes of added time are granted by the ref |
45' | Stankovic is cautioned for obstruction |
43' | Marseille substitution: Remy comes off for Brandao |
42' | Maicon's free-kick ends up high over the bar |
41' | Cambiasso can't find the back of the net from a few yards out as his header flies over the bar |
40' | Free-kick for Inter. Maicon takes it and Mandanda pushes it over the bar |
36' | Milito passes to Stankovic who unleashes a right-footed shot. Mandanda is there to block it |
30' | GOAL INTER: Milito picks up a ball after Cambiasso's corner finds Samuel who feeds Pazzini. Morel blocks and Milito finishes it off |
29' | Inter make their last substitution: Cambiasso comes on for Poli |
26' | Free-kick to Marseille: it's taken by Valbuena and Diarra gets the header in before Julio Cesar reacts to save well |
23' | Mandanda is shown a yellow card too |
23' | Free-kick to Inter: Stankovic takes it from the right but sends the ball high over the crossbar |
22' | Diawara is cautioned for a foul on Poli |
20' | Samuel puts a great ball through to Poli but Morel intervenes at the last minute |
13' | Inter substitution: Forlan comes off and is replaced by Pazzini |
13' | Inter substitution: Sneijder makes way for Obi |
13' | Poli tries a shot but the ball flies over the crossbar |
11' | Mbia tries a long-distance shot but Lucio takes care of it |
8' | Samuel picks up a yellow card for a foul on Diarra |
5' | Valbuena sends the ball wide for Azpilicueta but Maicon is there to clear |
4' | Stankovic sets up Milito but he can't control the ball |
2' | Samuel beats Remy to the ball |
1' | The second half between Inter and Olympique Marseille gets underway |