1st half
2nd half
Minute | Text commentary |
47' | After two minutes of added time, the first half of Inter v Lazio finishes 1-1 |
46' | Nagatomo intercepts Lichtsteiner's cross for Floccari. Castellazzi takes a knock on the knee as he clashes with Floccari |
45' | The referee allows two minutes of added time |
44' | Maicon sends in yet another cross from the right but Muslera is there to take the high catch |
43' | Sneijder takes another free-kick from inside the Inter half, but Muslera comes out to catch |
42' | YELLOW CARD: Ledesma's name finds its way into the book |
40' | GOAL INTER: Sneijder scores from a curling free-kick |
38' | YELLOW CARD: Garrido is booked for a foul on Zanetti |
36' | Cross from Zarate on the right for Floccari, Lucio heads clear |
35' | Ranocchia closes Zarate down |
33' | Zarate tries a shot from the right-hand side of the area, Castellazzi puts it away for a corner |
29' | Maicon cross from the right wing is long and no one can reach it |
28' | Inter react as Muslera has to make saves first from Stankovic and then Sneijder |
26' | Sneijder's free kick is just too far ahead of Ranocchia; Dias puts the ball over for a corner |
24' | GOAL LAZIO: Zarate scores the penalty sending Castellazzi the wrong way |
23' | Castellazzi, the reserve gaolkeeper is brought on and Milito has to come off to make room for him |
22' | PENALTY and RED CARD the referee awards a penalty as Julio Cesar pulls down Zarate in the penalty area. He picks up a red card, Inter down to ten men |
19' | Eto'o drives the ball across into the centre, Stankovic right-footed sends the ball high over the crossbar |
16' | Eto'o's right-footed shot flies high over the bar |
15' | Zarate is heading for goal when Ranocchia slides in to take the ball |
14' | Maicon tries to find Eto'o with a cross from the right, but Muslera comes out again to intercept |
13' | Maicon attacks on the right wing and finds Milito in the centre, but Dias beats him to the ball |
12' | Bresciano crosses from the left for Dias, but the ball spins off to the left of Julio Cesar |
11' | Eto'o on the edge of the box but Floccari wins the ball |
10' | Zanetti tackles Zarate |
9' | A long ball through the centre for Milito is picked up by Muslera as he comes off his line |
8' | Mauri tries a left-footed volley, but Lucio heads clear |
6' | Eto'o tries to curl the ball in, but it's wide |
5' | Zarate with a right-footed shot which Julio Cesar parries, fortunately Nagatomo is at hand to clear |
3' | Sneijder with a free kick, Biava manages to get there before Ranocchia |
2' | Floccari receives a ball from the left but his shot goes wide |
1' | WELCOME to the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza where we are counting down to the kick-off of Inter v Lazio, Serie A 2010/11 Week 34 |
1' | Inter kick off |
1' | To play against Lazio, Leonardo has selected Lucio and Ranocchia as the defensive duo in the centre in front of Julio Cesar with Maicon and Nagatomo playing ouside them; the midfield is made up of Zanetti, Cambiasso and Stankovic with Sneijder playing behind strikers Milito and Eto'o |
Minute | Text commentary |
50' | After five minutes of added time the match finishes Inter 2-1 Lazio. |
47' | Zanetti with a sliding tackle on Zarate sends the ball over for a corner |
45' | The referee allows five minutes of added time |
43' | Zarate crosses from the right, Rocchi dives but connects badly with the ball and it goes wide |
42' | Maicon takes the corner but Mariga's header is high and over the bar |
41' | Dias follows Eto'o into the area and sends the ball over for a corner |
39' | Musleri pulls off a great save from Maicon as he hits Zanetti's through ball with his left |
36' | SUBSTITUTION LAZIO: Garrido comes off and Rocchi is brought on |
34' | Lichtsteiner is tackled by Obi as he tries to get away on the right |
33' | SUBSTITUTION INTER: Sneijder comes off for Obi |
30' | Biavo slides in to tackle Nagatomo and send the ball over for a corner |
30' | Kozak blasts with his right foot against the crossbar |
29' | Eto'o shoots from the right left-footed and Muslera saves |
28' | Lichtsteiner robs Eto'o as he tries to break away on the counter-attack |
26' | SUBSTITUTION LAZIO: Bresciano comes off for Brocchi |
25' | SUBSTITUTION LAZIO: Floccari is replaced by Kozak |
21' | RED CARD: Mauri is sent for an early bath for a foul on Nagatomo |
18' | Zarate receives the ball from Mauri who shoots with his right foot, the ball goes wide |
17' | YELLOW CARD: Mariga is booked |
15' | Ledesma sends in a deep high ball, Dias turns the ball into the side-netting from a few metres out |
13' | Another cross from Lichtsteiner on the right wing for Floccari who gets to the ball before Castellazzi; Ranocchia clears from the goal-line |
10' | Zarate tests Castellazzi with a ball which cuts through the area, but the keeper is at the near post to save |
8' | GOAL INTER: Eto'o, picks up a through pass from Zanetti, dribbles around Dias and Biava and places the ball out of Muslera's reach into the empty net |
7' | SUBSTITUTION: Stankovic comes off injured, Mariga replaces him |
6' | Sneijder has a shot but it flies wide of the goal |
5' | YELLOW CARD : Zarate is booked |
4' | Lichtsteiner blocks Nagatomo attacking run along the left wing |
1' | The second half of Inter v Lazio gets underway |