1st half
2nd half
Minute | Text commentary |
48' | Rodomonti blows for half time. Reggina 0-1 Inter. |
48' | Toldo comes off his line and punches clear Torrisi's free kick. |
48' | Cordoba becomes the third player to see yellow after fouling Cozza from behind. |
46' | Di Michele is intercepted by Toldo on the left-wing touchline and Reggina win a corner. Toldo catches Cozza's corner kick played to the far post. |
45' | 3 minutes of added time to play. |
44' | Di Michele twists and turns inside our box then finds the space to get a shot in. Toldo makes a good save. |
41' | At the near post Bonazzoli anticipates Cordoba but heads Recoba's corner into his own net. 1-0 to us!!! |
41' | Javier Zanetti's cross from the right is blocked by Jiranek. Corner kick to us. |
40' | Cozza plays wide to Di Michele, who takes on an opponent and moves to the edge of the box before shooting on target. Toldo makes a great save. |
38' | Adriano's effort comes off the Reggina wall. |
37' | Paredes is yellow-carded for a foul on Obafemi Martins, who is terrorising the Reggina defence this afternoon. |
35' | Stankovic advances on goal and from a central position 20 yards out sends his low shot wide of the right-hand post. |
34' | Reggina break after Recoba messes up his set piece. Cristiano Zanetti cuts out a cross but Toldo can't stop the ball from going out for a corner. |
34' | Martins dribbles Comotto on the right and is fouled in the process. Free kick. |
32' | Recoba's cross to the near post is cleared by Jiranek. |
31' | Martins wins a right-wing corner for Inter after his cross takes a deflection. |
31' | Bonazzoli comes back on and numerical parity is restored. |
28' | Bonazzoli needs attention to his right foot after a challenge with Cordoba. |
28' | Stankovic plays a one-two with Cordoba then sees his cross headed clear. |
27' | Martins to Adriano to Recoba, who wins a left-wing corner for the Nerazzurri. |
27' | Obagol fouls Jiranek on the left-wing touchline in what is turning out to be an interesting duel. Free kick to Reggina. |
26' | Cordoba's ball to Javier Zanetti on the right wing is blocked by Comotto. |
24' | Rodomonti shows Cristiano Zanetti a yellow card for a foul on Bonazzoli in midfield. |
24' | Recoba sidesteps an opponent then passes short to Stankovic, who is intercepted. |
23' | Good chance for us. Giovanni Pasquale receives on the edge of the Reggina penalty box and sends a low, diagonal shot just wide of the far post. |
22' | Mesto's right-wing cross for Bonazzoli is calmly dealt with by Toldo. |
21' | Jiranek expertly cuts out Stankovic's ball forward for Martins. |
20' | Recoba's long pass forward is too long for Adriano. Goal kick to the Calabrians. |
19' | Javier Zanetti plays short to Recoba, whose low shot from 25 yards goes just wide of the right-hand post. |
18' | Franceschini outjumps the Inter defence and heads a right-wing corner over the crossbar. |
17' | Stankovic is back on the pitch. In the meantime Martins tries to take on two and loses possession. Reggina storm forward and Mesto's run down the right is ended by Gamarra, who makes a great tackle. |
16' | Cozza's shot from outside our box takes a deflection and Reggina win a left-wing corner. |
15' | Recoba plays wide to Pasquale, whose left-wing cross goes into the hands of Belardi. |
14' | Martins is fouled by Jiranek as he tries to turn the Reggina defender. Free kick to us 35 yards out. |
14' | Stankovic is taken to the touchline and Inter are momentarily down to ten men. |
12' | Cozza boots the ball out of play after Stankovic remains on the ground after a challenge by Bonazzoli. The Serb midfielder requires treatment to his ankle. |
11' | Reggina captain Cozza calls for a foul by Gamarra on the right-wing by-line, but Rodomonti waves play on. |
9' | Tedesco remains on the ground after an aerial duel with Adriano. |
8' | Adani blocks Comotto's attempt at a left-wing cross and the home side win an attacking throw-in. |
7' | Bonazzoli wastes the best chance of the match so far. With just Toldo to beat, the Reggina forward mis-kicks his close-range shot from Mesto's right-wing cross. |
7' | Tedesco dribbles two Nerazzurri on the right. Recoba gets back to make sure the Reggina player doesn't take on a third. |
5' | Reggina win a right-wing free kick after Gamarra fouls Bonazzoli. Cordoba outjumps Di Michele and heads clear. |
3' | The home side maintain the initiative in attack and Cozza heads wide from Di Michele's assist. |
3' | The home side maintain the initiative in attack and Cozza heads wide from Di Michele's assist. |
3' | Di Michele dribbles three opponents then runs into Adani, who intercepts. |
3' | Cordoba deals with Mesto's cross over to the far side of the Nerazzurri box, where Cordoba plays clear. |
2' | Stankovic challenges Mesto on the left wing and Reggina win a goal kick. |
1' | Welcome to the Oreste Granillo for live commentary of Reggina v Inter. Playing in their white away strip, the Nerazzurri kick off. |
1' | Inter play the ball around at the back then move forward. Martins receives on the left wing then is dispossessed. |
Minute | Text commentary |
49' | Di Michele tries to dribble three Nerazzurri in our box but runs into trouble. |
49' | Full time. Reggina 0-2 Inter. |
49' | Di Michele tries to dribble three Nerazzurri in our box but runs into trouble. |
48' | 2-0!!! Adriano capitalises on some defensive suicide by Reggina and smashes the ball into an open net. |
47' | Farinos is cautioned for a foul on Torrisi in midfield. |
45' | 4 minutes of added time to play. |
44' | Cozza gets on the end of a loose ball in the Inter box and shoots on target. Gamarra saves off the line to keep the Nerazzurri in front. |
43' | Stellone's flicked header from Cozza's long-range free kick is expertly tipped over the bar by Toldo. |
41' | Julio Cruz replaces the Nigerian. |
41' | Martins remains on the ground after a challenge by Franceschini. Cruz is set to come on for the last five minutes. |
40' | Martins surges forward and falls to the ground after a challenge. No foul is given and the Calabrians come forward on the break. |
39' | Mozart's ambitious shot from 30 yards is well off-target. |
38' | Camolese brings on Stellone for Bonazzoli. |
37' | Gamarra makes up for a defensive error by Cordoba. The Paraguay captain closes down Bonazzoli and gives away a right-wing corner. |
35' | Zac brings on Okan for Stankovic. |
35' | Toldo outjumps Bonazzoli to beat the Reggina forward to Cozza's deep left-wing cross. |
34' | Inter win two corners in quick succession. Belardi catches to second one to give the home side some breathing space. |
32' | Toldo comes off his line to beat Di Michele to a dangerous ball forward. |
31' | Mozart turns Farinos then plays wide to Falsini who crosses in for Bonazzoli. The Reggina forward heads on target, Toldo saves. |
30' | Stankovic shoots from the distance but it's well wide. |
30' | Stankovic shoots from the distance but it's well wide. |
28' | Mozart hits the right note: The Reggina sub connects well with a square pass then sends his thunderous shot not far wide of the right-hand post. |
27' | Cristiano Zanetti's shot from the distance is well wide. |
27' | Martins plays to Farinos, who serves Stankovic. From the distance the Serb forces Belardi to make a difficult save and we win a left-wing corner. |
26' | Di Michele takes on Gamarra then plays back to the edge of the Inter box where Farinos wins possession and sets up a move. |
25' | Jiranek remains on the ground clutching his face after Adriano makes a crunching challenge on the Reggina defender. |
23' | The home side win their ninth corner after Javier Zanetti cuts out an attacking move. |
22' | Gamarra closes down Cozza on the right-wing by-line and Reggina win a corner kick. |
21' | Adirano pushes over Torrisi after a challenge in the Reggina penalty box. |
20' | Reggina substitution: Mozart comes on for Tedesco. |
20' | Zaccheroni brings on Farinos for Recoba. |
18' | Adriano barges past two as he goes on a central run then plays wide to Javier Zanetti. The Inter captain plays a crossfield pass to Recoba, who feeds Pasquale. The wing-back crosses over to the far side, where Falsini wins possession. |
17' | Toldo comes well off his line to blast clear and deny Di Michele. |
15' | Free kick to Reggina after Cristiano Zanetti fouls Tedesco. |
15' | Reggina win a free kick 25 yards out after Cristiano Zanetti fouls Tedesco. |
15' | Free kick to Reggina after Cristiano Zanetti fouls Tedesco. |
13' | Torrisi's set piece is cleared by Adriano. |
13' | Rodomonti books Pasquale for a foul on Di Michele. |
11' | Reggina bring on Falsini for Comotto. |
9' | Cristiano Zanetti loses the ball inside the Nerazzurri penaltry area and Cozza blasts wide. |
9' | Belardi comes out of his area to beat Adriano to Stankovic's long ball forward. |
8' | Pasquale makes a superb intervention in defence to win the ball off Di Michele and deny the Reggina striker a shot on goal. |
8' | Recoba's curled free kick goes out of play at the far side of the Reggina box. |
7' | Adriano is fouled by Paredes as the Brazilian tries to take on the Paraguayan on the left. |
6' | Adriano's low shot from the distance goes wide of the right-hand post. |
6' | Gamarra challenges Mesto on the right and Reggina win a right-wing corner. |
4' | Toldo fails to hold on to Cozza's right-wing cross and Reggina win a corner. The Nerazzurri keeper then catches Cozza's header from Franceschini's shot. |
3' | Di Michele frees himself of Gamarra after meeting Cozza's right-wing centre then sees his spectacular overhead kick go over the crossbar. |
2' | Attacked by Comotto, Cordoba gives away a left-wing throw-in. |
1' | Reggina kick off the second period. |