1 babak
2 babak
Menit | Komentar teks |
46' | Half time. Inter 0 Porto 1. |
46' | No Nerazzurri player manages to get a foot to Wome's dangerous ball in from the left. |
45' | 1 minute of added time to play. |
45' | Rangers have taken a 2-1 lead in Bratislava. |
44' | Quaresma blocks the corner then races forward to meet a long ball by Vitor Baia and shoots from the distance. It's high and wide. |
43' | On the left wing Wome receives from Veron then crosses. It takes a deflection and Inter win a corner. |
43' | Lucho combines with Cech then shoots from 25 yards. Pizarro blocks. |
41' | At the other end Samuel beats Almeida to a Cech cross from the left and makes a headed clearance. |
40' | Paulo Assuncao blocks and clears a Martins cross from the left. |
40' | Adriano controls a Pizarro pass with his chest then plays back to Figo, who crosses into the box. Martins is beaten to the ball and the visitors clear. |
39' | Figo fails to connect with Wome's inswinging cross from the left and Porto win a goal kick. |
37' | Inter win a left-wing corner kick. Pizarro delivers the cross, Hugo Alemeida clears. |
37' | Pierre Wome shoots from a tight angle on the left. Vitor Baia collects the ball. |
36' | Closer to the right-wing by-line Martins is fouled. Free kick. Figo's cross is cleared by Pepe. |
36' | Figo is dispossessed by Lucho but wins the ball back and suffers a foul to win Inter a free kick on the right channel. |
34' | Adriano glances Wome's left-wing cross wide of the left post. |
34' | Hugo Almeida's effort from 40 yards is well off target. |
33' | Adriano's left-foot shot from the left edge of the Porto box is blocked by Pepe. |
33' | Oba Martins gets a header on target from Figo's cross. Vitor Baia catches. |
31' | Lucho makes a headed clearance from a Pizarro cross and concedes a right-wing corner. Nothing comes of Figo's cross. |
30' | Adriano clears Jorginho's corner kick. |
29' | Favalli heads Jorginho's inswinger out for Porto's first corner of the evening. |
29' | At the other end Quaresma wins Porto a free kick on the left for a foul by Burdisso. |
28' | Figo's right-foot shot from 25 yards whizzes wide of the right post. |
27' | Figo is fouled by Cech on the right side of the Porto box. The Portuguese winger takes the free kick, Porto clear at the far side. |
26' | Martins receives a headed pass from Wome then storms down the left. The Nigerian muscles his way past Bosingwa then crosses. Pepe beats Adriano to the ball and clears. |
24' | Pepe blocks Veron's first-time cross from the left. |
24' | Adri heads Figo's cross wide of the near post. |
23' | The Brazilian wins Inter's first corner of the match. |
23' | Adriano sends his free kick into the Curva Sud. |
22' | Pedro Emanuel fouls Martins in a central position 40 yards out. Free kick. |
21' | Pizarro sends a long-range pass to the edge of the Porto area. Pepe beats Adriano to the ball and makes a headed clearance. |
20' | Adriano controls a Favalli ball down the left but is tackled by Pepe on the by-line. |
17' | At the far side Wome touches a Figo right-wing cross back into the middle of the area but Pepe blocks and clears. |
16' | Hugo Almeida's bullet free kick finds the top left corner. 1-0 to Porto. |
15' | Free kick to Porto in a central position 40 yards out for a Samuel foul on Almeida. |
15' | Adriano controls a Martins cross from the right then plays back to Wome, who is denied a shot by Alan. |
14' | Quaresma's low right-foot shot from 25 yards is wide of the left post. |
11' | Hugo Almeida tries to direct Cech's 20-yard shot into the net but he is flagged offside. |
10' | Martins races down the right the whips in a cross from the by-line. Vitor Baia beats Figo to the ball. |
10' | In Bratislava it's 1-1 in tonight's other Group H match between Artmedia and Rangers. |
9' | Julio Cesar catches Hugo Almeida's high header in the Inter box. |
8' | The Chilean midfielder fouls Paulo Assuncao in the Inter half on the right wing. Porto's free kick is cleared by Favalli. |
6' | Pizarro is brought down by Jorginho as he runs on to a Veron pass and Inter win a free kick 35 yards out. |
5' | Adriano's low ball to Martins is intercepted by Pepe. |
3' | Adriano flicks a Favalli throw-in into the path of Martins but Pedro Emanuel gets there first. |
1' | Welcome to the Giuseppe Meazza for tonight's Matchday 4 clash between the Nerazzurri and Porto. |
1' | Free kick to Porto just inside our half for a Materazzi foul on Almeida. |
1' | Spanish ref Gonzalez blows his whistle, and Inter get tonight's match under way. |
1' | Captains Marco Materazzi and Pedro Emanuel lead the teams out on to the pitch and we're all set for kick-off. |
1' | Roberto Mancini has opted for a 4-4-2 formation. Burdisso comes in for Cordoba at right-back, with Samuel, Materazzi and Favalli the other defenders. Veron and Pizarro are flanked by Figo and Wome in midfield, and Martins partners Adriano up front. |
Menit | Komentar teks |
50' | Full time. Inter come back from behind to beat Porto 2-1 behind closed doors at the Meazza. Artmedia hold Rangers 2-2 in tonight's other Group H match. |
50' | Meireles' shot from 20 yards is well off target. |
48' | Incredible run down the right by Martins after receiving from Veron. The Nigerian gets to the by-line then crosses. It spins off Meireles and Vitor Baia does well to block and deny Cruz a tap-in. |
46' | Bosingwa is booked for fouling Figo on the left wing. Mihajlovic's free kick is cleared by McCarthy. |
45' | 5 minutes of additional time to play. |
45' | Julio Cesar saves McCarthy's shot on the turn but the ref had already blown for a foul against Porto. |
45' | Sinisa blocks and clears Quaresma's cross in from the right. |
40' | Mihajlovic's free kick from the left is headed clear. |
38' | That was Julio's eighth goal in all competitions this season. |
37' | Bosingwa concedes another corner after tackling Figo on the left. |
37' | EL JARDINERO!!!! From the edge of the six-yard box Cruz heads Mihajlovic's cross into the bottom right corner. 2-1 to Inter. |
36' | Cruz's instinctive shot from Mihajlovic's corner is cleared off the line. |
35' | The Porto keeper requires medical attention for the second time tonight after colliding with the left post when parrying Mihajlovic's free kick. |
34' | Ooooohhhhhh! Vitor Baia pulls off a miraculous save from Mihajlovic's free kick. Corner to Inter. |
33' | Alves handles the ball in a central position 30 yards out. Free kick to Inter in Sinisa Mihajlovic territory. |
31' | Porto bring on Benni McCarthy for Hugo Almeida. |
30' | GOOAAAAALLLLLL!!!!! Julio Cruz finds the bottom left corner with a precisely taken penalty shot. |
29' | Penalty to Inter as Pizarro is brought down by Pedro Emanuel in the Porto box. |
29' | Bosingwa tackles Figo on the left and concedes a croner. Mihajlovic's cross is cleared by Alves at the far post. |
28' | Pizarro tries to play over the Porto defence and into the path of Cruz but Pedro Emanuel intercepts and heads clear. |
26' | Nothing comes of the free kick, but surely Hugo Gonzalez should have been booked for elbowing Materazzi on the chin before it was taken. |
25' | Mihajlovic fouls Hugo Almeida 30 yards out on the right. Free kick to Porto. |
24' | Artmedia have equalised in Bratislava. It's now 2-2 between the Slovakians and Rangers. |
22' | Figo's inswinging cross from the left is caught by Vitor Baia. |
21' | Inter bring on Mihajlovic for Samuel. |
21' | Free kick to Inter 30 yards out on the left for a Meireles foul on Cambiasso. Figo's cross goes out of play before Materazzi can make aerial contact at the far post. |
20' | At the other end Figo wins Inter a right-wing corner. |
19' | Jorginho steals in at the near post to head wide Cech's cross. |
19' | Pizarro and Favalli foul Quaresma on the right wing. Free kick to Porto. |
17' | Cruz takes the ball to the left-wing by-line then crosses. Pedro Emanuel blocks and concedes a corner. |
16' | Porto replace Paulo Assuncao with Alves. |
16' | Mancini brings on Cruz for Adriano. |
16' | Figo weaves his way into the box from the left then crosses. Martins' header is off target. |
14' | Vitor Baia requires medical attention after hurting his left arm when blocking Oba's shot. |
14' | Oba races on to a Figo through ball and tries to poke it past Vitor Baia but the Porto keeper is quick off his line and blocks, conceding a corner. |
12' | Bosingwa beats Adriano to a Veron pass in the Porto box and Inter win a corner. |
10' | Materazzi fouls Cech as both players jump to meet Figo's cross. |
10' | Free kick to Inter 40 yards out on the left wing. |
9' | Roberto Mancini brings on Esteban Cambiasso for Pierre Wome. |
8' | Figo receives from Pizarro and plays a first-time pass to Burdisso, who loses a challenge on the by-line and Porto win a goal kick. |
6' | At the far post Favalli beats Jorginho to Quaresma's cross and concedes a right-wing free kick. |
5' | Adriano is dispossessed by Pedro Emanuel as he receives a pass from Pizarro. |
4' | Figo, Martins and Burdisso combine on the right. The Argentine wins Inter an attacking throw-in. |
3' | Bosingwa intercepts Martins' headed pass to Adriano and hooks clear. |
1' | Porto kick off the second half. |
1' | Co Adriaanse has brought on Raul Meireles for Alan. |