1 babak
2 babak
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47' | Perugia close the first half on the attack, where Obodo tries a left-footed shot which just goes wide of Toldo's left-hand post. Perugia 0 Inter 1 |
45' | 2' minutes of added time to play |
44' | Fabiano counter attacks on the left, who sends a low cross into the Nerazzurri box, but Gamarra anticiaptes everyone and clears. |
43' | From close range, Cordoba back heals Emre 's corner, but Perugia defender di Loreto clears. |
42' | Ravanelli eans a free kick on the right, Ze maria's shoots directly onto goal, no problems for Toldo. |
40' | Perugia earns a free kick in the midfield, Obodo takes the kick, but Toldo comes off his line and collects. |
38' | Ze maria from the right-wing sends a low cross where Brienza tries a half-volley, miss hits, Inter on the attack. |
36' | Perugia earns a free kick in the middle, after Obodo was brought down by Cristiano Zanetti |
32' | Adriano from the edge of Perugia's box unleashes a left-foot shot straight into the arms of Kalac |
30' | Alessandro Gaucci is sent off the Perugia's bench for protesting. |
27' | Two against one, Karagounis runs down the middle and shoots directly on Kalac |
24' | Gooooalllllllll. Adriano shows spectacular skills on the left-wing, dummies two defenders and enters into the Perugia's box and chips the ball over Kalac. |
20' | di Francesco is booked for fouling Javier Zanetti. |
19' | Brienza inside the Nerazzurri box turns on Helveg and his left-foot cross finds Obodo, his first time volley goes off the post. |
17' | Helveg out runs Ravanelli, plays the ball forward to Emre who sends through Adraino, but Perugia 's defence is well placed. Perugia back on the attack. |
15' | Brienza tries to dribble down the middle, but Cordoba cuts down his run. |
12' | di Loreto anticipates Adriano on a long pass by Gamarra, Perugia back on the attack. |
11' | Toldo comes off is line to anticipate Brienza's through ball to Ravanelli. |
10' | Brienza's pass to di Francesco, who is called off-side. Free kick for Inter |
7' | Karagounis wins a free kick on the edge of Perugia's box, Farinos's free kick- cross is headed away by Brienza. |
5' | di Francesco floats a right -wing cross into Inter's box, waywide goal kick to Inter. |
4' | Helveg plays a long pass for van der Meyde, but is dipossess by Fabiano. |
2' | Manfredini is booked for bring down Javier Zanetti |
2' | Kalac's goal kick for Brienza is intercepted by Gamarra, Inter on the attack. |
1' | Welcome to the Renato Curi for live commentary Perugia V Inter. Playing in their yellow away strip, the Nerazzuri kick off. |
Menit | Komentar teks |
51' | Inter bring home an important win. Perugia 2 Inter 3 |
50' | di Francesco tries a bicycle kick on the edge of the box, but the ball sails way wide. |
48' | Diamoutene cailms for a penalty after brought down into the box by Helveg, play continues. |
45' | 6 minutes of added time to play. |
45' | di Loreto is booked for answering back to referee Messina |
43' | GOALLLLLLLLLL! Martins beats the off-side trap and goes on goal. The Nigerian striker side steps Kalac and places the ball into the left-hand corner.. Perugia 2 Inter 3 |
41' | Goallll. Adriano once again, the Nerazzurri striker collects Almeyda's throw-in and turns Diamoutene and unleashes a low left foot shot into the bottom corner. Peruigia 2 Inter 2 |
40' | di Francesco is on the ground for cramps. |
38' | Corner for Inter, Helveg is caught for fouling Diamoutene in Perugia's penalty box, free kick to perugia. |
37' | Diamoutene is booked for fouling Martins from behind. |
33' | Perugia is pressing forward and earn a free kick, where Ze maria shoots it direactly on goal. Toldo collects |
32' | Cosmi replaces Brienza with Gatti |
30' | Emre wins a free kick on the edge of Perugia's box, Emre curls it to the far post, but Do prado clears. |
28' | Inter substitution: Emre replaces Farinos |
27' | Perugia come on the attack, but Materazzi anticipates Do prado |
24' | Karagounis is brought down on the edge of Perugia's box. The same Karagounis curls the free kick to the near post, just wide. |
22' | Martins steps by di Loreto in Perugia's box, passes it to Adriano, but the Brazilian's left-foot shot is wide. |
21' | Inter win a corner, Farinos's cross is cleared by Codrea |
19' | Martins earns a throw-in , Materazzi floats a high cross into Perugia's box, Kalac collects. |
18' | Perugia substitution: Ravanelli comes off, Do prado comes on. |
14' | Zaccheroni subs C.Zanetti with Almeyda. |
13' | Goal. Perugia win a free kick on the edge of Inter's box, Ze maria's cross is blocked by Toldo, but Hubner collects and unleashes into an open goal. |
11' | Inter substitution: Martins replaces Van der meyde |
9' | Inter back on the attack, Adriano is sent alone on goal miss handles the pass. Goal kick for Perugia |
8' | Inter is looking for the goal ahead goal. Helveg left hand cross finds Adriano in the box, who pass it back for J.Zanetti, his first time shot is block. |
7' | Farinos is booked for bring down Brienza |
5' | Goal. Perugia bring things level. Codrea's cross from the edge of Inter's box finds an unmark di Francesco who heads the ball into the bottom left-hand corner. |
3' | Van der Meyde takes on the Perugia defence, his right foot shot creates no problems for Kalac |
2' | Hubner shows his strength and earns a free kick on the left by-line. |
1' | Perugia substitution: Hubner on for Manfredini |
1' | Welcome back for the second half at the Renato Curi in Perugia. Perugia kick off. |