MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the first goal during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)

Primavera, Inter - Juventus 2 - 2

Settore Giovanile

9 mar 2024

All'Inter non basta la doppietta di Owusu, si chiude sul 2-2 la sfida valida per la 25ª giornata di campionato dei nerazzurri


MARCATORI: 5' Crapisto (J), 34' Owusu (I), 72' Owusu (I), 88' Ripani (J)

INTER (4-3-3): 1 Calligaris; 27 Aidoo, 15 Stante, 19 Matjaz (46' 33 Alexiou), 13 Motta (86' 3 Cocchi); 44 Akinsanmiro, 4 Stankovic, 8 Di Maggio; 10 Kamate (46' 11 Quieto), 22 Spinacce (65' 9 Sarr), 7 Owusu (73' 14 Berenbruch). A disposizione: 21 Raimondi, 5 Bovo, 26 Miconi, 28 Mazzola, 29 Diallo, 34 Mosconi. Allenatore: Cristian Chivu.

JUVENTUS (3-4-2-1): 40 Radu; 13 Turco, 23 Bassino, 31 Gil; 15 Savio (77' 41 Montero), 25 Ngana, 8 Ripani, 16 Pagnucco; 26 Finocchiaro (56' 19 Scienza), 29 Crapisto (58' 18 Grosso); 32 Pugno (77' 9 Biggi). A disposizione: 12 Zelezny, 2 Martinez, 3 Firman, 4 Boufandar, 17 Giorgi, 36 Mazur, Allenatore: Paolo Montero

AMMONITI: Savio (J), Matjaz (I), Owusu (I)

Si chiude in parità Inter-Juventus, sfida valida per la 25ª giornata di campionato. I nerazzurri sotto di un gol dopo 5 minuti recuperano con Owusu e nel secondo tempo trovano il vantaggio con la doppietta personale del numero 7 ma vengono ripresi all'88' dal gol di Ripani.

È un match che si apre in salita per la squadra di Chivu che si trova a dover rincorrere già dal quinto minuto, quando la Juventus trova il vantaggio con il tiro dalla distanza di Crapisto deviato da Stankovic. I nerazzurri raccolgono le idee e le forze e cominciano a collezionare occasioni. Gli spunti più interessanti arrivano dai cross di Kamate e Akinsamiro che pescano Di Maggio che ci prova prima di testa poi con un tiro dalla distanza. Il pareggio è nell'aria ma il colpo di testa di Stante si infrange sulla traversa. L'Inter deve attendere ancora qualche minuto e l'ennesimo cross di Kamate che questa volta viene sfruttato al meglio da Owusu per il temporaneo 1-1. Il secondo tempo sembra scorrere a senso unico con i nerazzurri decisi a completare la rimonta sfruttando i cross dalle fasce ma l'ultimo passaggio non premia i ragazzi di Chivu, vicinissimi al gol con il colpo di testa di Stankovic al 69' di poco sopra la traversa. La ricompensa arriva qualche minuto dopo, con il numero 4 che questa volta fa da sponda per la doppietta personale di Owusu. Proprio quando i ritmi si abbassano, all'88' la Juventus trova a sorpresa il pareggio con l'incornata di Ripani che supera Calligaris. Il tempo comincia a scorrere sempre più veloce e l'Inter spinge con tutti i suoi uomini andando ad un passo dalla vittoria al 94' con una palla salvata sulla linea dai bianconeri che chiudono il match sul 2-2. È il terzo pareggio consecutivo per l'Inter che rimane prima in classifica a quota 50 punti e si prepara per il match contro la Roma, seconda forza del campionato.



94' - Occasione incredibile per i nerazzurri, la Juventus salva sulla linea il pallone della possibile vittoria dell'Inter e chiude la sfida sul 2-2 88' - Pareggio della Juventus con l'incornata di Ripani che supera Calligaris 82' - Scienza prova un rasoterra dalla distanza che termina a lato della porta di Calligaris 72'- RADDOPPIO DELL'INTER!!! Su calcio d'angolo Stankovic fa sponda di testa per Owusu che arriva in corsa e la mette dentro per il sorpasso nerazzurro e la doppietta personale 69' - Occasione per l'Inter, Stankovic stacca di testa in area ma la palla termina di poco sopra la traversa 65' - Aidoo mette in mezzo per Spinaccè, che si tuffa per prenderla di testa ma non riesce a inquadrare la porta. 53' - Owusu serve Akinsamiro che prova il tiro ma non trova lo specchio della porta 50' - Giocata di Owusu che prova il tiro sul primo palo respinto da Radu 46' - Riprende il match, doppio cambio per lnter all'intervallo: dentro Quieto e Alexiou per Kamate e Matjaz.


43' - Buona opportunità in contropiede per i nerazzurri con Spinaccè che recupera palla ma non si intende con Kamate 34' - GOL DELL'INTER!!! Cross dalla destra di Kamate per Owusu che di testa pareggia i conti 31' - Altra palla in area di Akinsamiro, non ci arriva Spinaccè 30' - Palla in mezzo di Akinsamiro, Aidoo tenta la rovesciata 26' - Altra occasione ravvicinata per l'Inter con il colpo di testa di Stante su calcio d'angolo che colpisce la traversa. 25' - Akinsamiro ancora per Di Maggio che prova il tiro dalla distanza respito da Radu 17' - Cross perfetto di Kamate che dalla destra trova in area Di Maggio: il colpo di testa del numero 8 non centra la porta 12' - Scarico dalla sinistra di Di Maggio per Akinsamiro che tira alto 8' - Calligaris blocca in due tempi il tiro di Ngana 5 - Juventus in vantaggio con Crapisto che con un tiro dalla distanza deviato da Stankovic supera Calligaris e manda in vantaggio i bianconeri 1' - Inizia il match

MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: FC Internazionale U19 line up in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Aleksandar Stankovic of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Matteo Motta of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Matteo Spinaccè of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Matteo Cocchi of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Matteo Cocchi of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Matteo Cocchi of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Makhtar Sarr of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Alessandro Calligaris of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Luca Di Maggio of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09:  Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the second goal with Aleksandar Stankovic of FC Internazionale U19 teammates during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09:  Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the second goal with teammates during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09:  Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the second goal with teammates during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09:  Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the second goal with teammates during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09 :Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09 :Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the second goal during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Matteo Motta of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Matteo Motta of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Aleksandar Stankovic of FC Internazionale U19 embraces, in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Francesco Stante of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Ebenezer Akinsanmiro of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the first goal during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the first goal during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the first goal during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the first goal with teammates in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 celebrates after scoring the first goal during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 scores the first goal during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 scores the first goal during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Luca Di Maggio of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Luca Di Maggio of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Mike Aidoo of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Samo Matjaz of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Mike Aidoo of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Ebenezer Akinsanmiro of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Enoch Owusu of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - MARCH 09: Ebenezer Akinsanmiro of FC Internazionale U19 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U19 and Juventus U19 at Konami Youth Development Centre in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on March 09, 2024 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)

Settore Giovanile

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Settore Giovanile

8 lug 2024

Primavera, il programma della preseason nerazzurra

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