Chilometri, amore, orgoglio: la nostra stagione

Road to Istanbul

11 giu 2023

57 partite, due trofei, la finale di Istanbul: un cammino lungo ed esaltante, concluso con la sfida con il City

Il cielo di Istanbul è un mix di nuvole e fumo. La luna, che si staglia sul Bosforo, sullo sfondo dello Stadio Ataturk, è velata. Prova a fare capolino, ma timidamente. La marea nerazzurra lascia l'impianto: gli occhi sono lucidi, impastati da un mix di lacrime e sudore. È stata una giornata lunga, diventata una notte lunghissima. È stata una stagione infinita, iniziata il 13 agosto 2022, una vita fa. In mezzo, 301 giorni, 43 weekend, 57 partite, innumerevoli allenamenti, vigilie, attese, trasferte, voli, chilometri percorsi in auto, in bicicletta, in aereo. Tutte le stagioni hanno un finale, tutti i libri hanno una conclusione. L'interminabile stagione nerazzurra si chiude con la finale di Istanbul. Un epilogo amaro. Sconfitta, ma sconfitta di misura, con almeno quattro occasioni che abbiamo ancora negli occhi, nel cuore, nella gola dove ci si è strozzato l'urlo più bello.

Abbiamo cantato in tutta Italia e in tutta Europa. Un cammino che si è fatto via via sempre più esaltante, con un leitmotiv dolce e al tempo stesso carico di significato. Quel coro che è iniziato a serpeggiare tra i tifosi a febbraio, che è stato adottato da tutti per le strade di Oporto, a marzo, che ha fatto rimbombare il Da Luz, tantissime volte San Siro e infine l'Ataturk. Per tutti quei chilometri che ho fatto per te: da Lecce a Istanbul, passando per Riyadh e Roma. Tappe un percorso che ci ha visto sollevare due trofei, la Supercoppa Italiana e la Coppa Italia. E che ci ha visto ribadire il predominio cittadino, in un doppio euroderby esaltante per i nostri colori. Il viaggio di ritorno è sempre più lungo di quello di andata. Mentre ci si districa nel traffico di Istanbul a caccia del percorso migliore per fare ritorno in Italia, risuonano le parole del nostro Presidente, del nostro allenatore, dei nostri giocatori. "Orgoglio". Non una maschera per nascondere una sconfitta, ma il sentimento di un popolo intero. Il manifesto di questa squadra. Orgoglio per come si è affrontata la stagione, per come ci si è battuti fino all'ultimo sospiro della finale, che si è chiusa con un arrembaggio collettivo. Fino al minuto 96, fino all'ultimo pallone, tutti avanti. Questa squadra non ha mai mollato, non ha mai risparmiato nemmeno una stilla di energia. Come non le hanno risparmiate i tifosi, lo staff, la dirigenza: una famiglia in cammino, tra difficoltà e trionfi.

ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: A general view during the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans show their support prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10:  Players of FC Internazionale and players of Manchester City FC line up prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans show their support prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans show their support prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10:  Fans of FC Internazionale before the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans show their support prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans are seen during the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans during the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans before the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by FC Internazionale/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans before the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by FC Internazionale/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans before the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Pier Marco Tacca - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fan is seen prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans before the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Pier Marco Tacca - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans before the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Pier Marco Tacca - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans before the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Pier Marco Tacca - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fan is seen prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fan is seen prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fan is seen prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fan is seen prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans before the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Pier Marco Tacca - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans before the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Pier Marco Tacca - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans before the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Pier Marco Tacca - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans are seen prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans are seen prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans are seen prior to the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Getty Images)

“ Prima della partita tutti pensavano che fossimo gli outsider, che quasi non ci fosse partita ma in realtà siamo davvero orgogliosi. Ciò che ho imparato nel calcio è che una squadra vincente richiede equilibrio tra una mentalità forte ed un’energia giovane. ”

Steven Zhang

ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: Players of FC Internazionale reacts after losing at the end of the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale looks dejected at the end of the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale looks dejected at the end of the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale cry after losing the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: Marcelo Brozovic of FC Internazionale reacts after losing  the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: Alessandro Bastoni of FC Internazionale reacts after losing the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: Players of FC Internazionale reacts after losing at the end of the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: Players of FC Internazionale reacts after losing at the end of the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: Javier Zanetti and players of FC Internazionale look dejected at the end of the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Francesco Scaccianoce - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
ISTANBUL, TURKEY - JUNE 10: Lautaro Martinez of FC Internazionale is consoled by Andre Onana of FC Internazionale at the end of the UEFA Champions League 2022/23 final match between FC Internazionale and Manchester City FC at Atatuerk Olympic Stadium on June 10, 2023 in Istanbul, Turkey. (Photo by Mattia Ozbot - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)

Mentalità ed energia. Due ingredienti fondamentali in questo "percorso straordinario", come lo ha definito Simone Inzaghi. Si è arrestato proprio sul finale, fermato dalla traversa e dalle parate del portiere del Manchester City, squadra che, proprio come l'Inter nel 2010, ha chiuso la stagione vincendo tre trofei. Un dato che si ripresenta, nella storia dell'Inter: sei volte la squadra nerazzurra ha disputato la finale di Champions, con tre trionfi e tre sconfitte, sempre con squadre che hanno conquistato, in quella stagione, il cosiddetto Triplete (il Celtic nel 1967 e l'Ajax nel 1972, ora il City). Statistiche che non rendono meno amara la notte di Istanbul, ma che aiutano anche a definire il grande valore della Champions League nerazzurra, iniziata con la sconfitta con il Bayern e tramutatasi in un cammino fantastico, con le vittorie su Barcellona, Porto, Benfica e Milan. Match che hanno visto sempre presente Lautaro Martinez, che ha chiuso la stagione con un primato incredibile: ha disputato tutte le 57 partite dell'anno. Tutte: un record stagionale per un giocatore di movimento nella storia nerazzurra.

MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10:  FC Internazionale fans gather during the UEFA Champions League Final in Piazza Duomo on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vincenzo Lombardo - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10:  FC Internazionale fans gather during the UEFA Champions League Final in Piazza Duomo on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vincenzo Lombardo - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10:  FC Internazionale fans gather during the UEFA Champions League Final in Piazza Duomo on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Vincenzo Lombardo - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)

Numeri, pensieri, highlights, fotogrammi. Si mischia tutto, nell'alba che speravamo fosse nerazzurra. Quel mare di tifosi che ha invaso Istanbul è ormai di ritorno: le facce stanche, le maglie nerazzurre, una malinconia inevitabile, mischiata all'orgoglio. Il popolo nerazzurro, per l'ennesima volta, dopo aver fatto registrare ogni record di presenza stagionale, ha dato l'ultima, enorme, prova di vicinanza. A Istanbul, ma anche a Milano, dove ha riempito San Siro e Piazza Duomo. Tutto per questa squadra. Per la quale si tornerà a fare chilometri, più chilometri possibili. Perché l'amore impone questo: si ama soltanto l'Inter.

MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - JUNE 10: FC Internazionale fans gather to watch UEFA Champions League Final at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on June 10, 2023 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Emilio Andreoli - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)

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Road to IstanbulSquadra

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Road to Istanbul

11 giu 2023

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