MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)

Primavera, Inter - Verona 1 - 1: a De Pieri risponde Agbonifo

Settore Giovanile

6 ore fa

Ai nerazzurri non basta il gol di De Pieri nel primo tempo: al KONAMI Youth Development Centre finisce in parità

Pareggio per l'Inter Primavera in casa contro l'Hellas Verona: i nerazzurri si portano in vantaggio nel corso di un primo tempo molto bloccato grazie a un rigore perfetto di De Pieri, poi vengono ripresi dal Verona a inizio secondo tempo. La squadra di Zanchetta colleziona diverse occasioni senza però riuscire a trovare il gol-vittoria: finisce 1-1 al KONAMI Youth Development Centre.

Il match inizia con l'Inter che prova ad attaccare sfruttando soprattutto le fasce, in particolare cavalcando le azioni di De Pieri sulla destra. All'8' l'Inter si fa vedere per la prima volta: Topalovic controlla in area e cerca una conclusione, che viene sporcata e rimpallata dalla difesa del Verona. I ritmi non sono altissimi, però l'Inter riesce a rendersi di nuovo pericolosa tre minuti più tardi con una sforbiciata volante di Quieto su cross di De Pieri: pallone che esce a lato non di molto. La gara rimane bloccata, nessuna delle due squadre riesce a costruire azioni offensive degne di nota: il gioco si spezzetta ulteriormente verso la metà del primo tempo, quando Sammarco è costretto a spendere il suo primo cambio per sostituire l'infortunato Nwachukwu. Intorno alla mezz'ora il Verona prova a farsi vedere, attaccando soprattutto a sinistra con De Battisti, insidioso con un paio di traversoni su cui arriva Calligaris con sicurezza. Al 31' l'Inter va in vantaggio: Spinaccè si lancia in area e anticipa Magro in uscita spostando il pallone. Il portiere atterra l'attaccante nerazzurro e l'arbitro fischia il rigore per l'Inter, trasformato in maniera perfetta da De Pieri. Il gol scioglie l'Inter, che va subito vicina al raddoppio con Berenbruch che si vede parare il tiro da Magro. Succede pochissimo nel finale del primo tempo: si va al riposo sul punteggio di 1-0. La ripresa inizia con un cambio nell'Inter: Mosconi prende il posto dell'autore del gol De Pieri. I nerazzurri partono subito forte alla ricerca del gol del raddoppio: l'Inter spinge e chiude il Verona nella sua metà campo. Al 49' Berenbruch ha un'ottima occasione: il suo tiro di prima intenzione sul cross basso di Cocchi viene respinto da Magro, che con un grande riflesso manda in angolo. La squadra di Zanchetta rimane stabilmente in zona offensiva: al 53' però il Verona ribalta l'azione con un contropiede velocissimo. Il cross da poco più avanti della metà campo di Pavanati arriva fino in area, dove Agbonifo colpisce di testa e sigla il gol dell'1-1 battendo Calligaris sul primo palo. Il copione della partita non cambia, con l'Inter molto più vivace: al 57' Quieto si rende pericoloso con una grande punizione sulla quale interviene di nuovo Magro. Il portiere gialloblu si oppone al numero 10 ancora in due occasione consecutive tra il 64' e il 65': su un'altra ripartenza gialloblu Ajayi non riesce a trovare la conclusione giusta per portare in vantaggio il Verona. L'Inter preme e lascia inevitabilmente spazi ai gialloblu, che sfiorano il raddoppio al 74' con Agbonifo: Calligaris si supera con una grande parata, bloccando il pallone indirizzato verso il primo palo in due tempi. Zanchetta prova a cambiare l'Inter inserendo giocatori offensivi come Lavelli e Romano: i nerazzurri continuano a spingere sulle fasce e cercando tiri da ogni posizione, senza però trovare il gol del vantaggio. Nel recupero Calligaris evita la beffa ai ragazzi di Zanchetta con una grande parata sulla punizione di Scharner allo scadere: finisce 1-1 al KONAMI Youth Development Centre.

Finisce così in pareggio un match in cui l'Inter ha collezionato diverse occasioni, sventate soprattutto dalla grande prestazione di Magro, portiere gialloblu protagonista di interventi fondamentali. Con questo pareggio l'Inter si porta a quota 11 punti in classifica dopo le prime sette giornate: ora il campionato Primavera si ferma per la sosta dedicata agli impegni delle Nazionali. L'Inter di Andrea Zanchetta tornerà in campo sabato 19 ottobre alle ore 11:00, quando affronterà il Lecce in trasferta.


Reti: 31' rig. De Pieri (I), 53' Agbonifo (V).

INTER (4-3-3): 1 Calligaris; 2 Aidoo, 24 Re Cecconi, 6 Maye, 3 Cocchi; 29 Topalovic (9 Lavelli 77'), 14 Bovo (4 Zanchetta 77'), 7 Berenbruch; 30 De Pieri (18 Mosconi 46'), 11 Spinaccè, 10 Quieto (28 Romano 84'). A disposizione: 21 Zamarian, 8 Zarate, 13 Kangasniemi, 16 Venturini, 17 Motta, 19 Della Mora, 22 Tigani. Allenatore: Andrea Zanchetta

HELLAS VERONA (3-5-2): 98 Magro; 5 Nwanege, 82 Corradi, 90 Nwachukwu (2 Kurti 19'); 7 Agbonifo, 26 Scharner, 4 Dalla Riva, 10 Pavanati (8 Szimionas 78'), 19 De Battisti; 20 Ajayi (44 Philippe Mathis 67'), 28 Luna (92 Monticelli 78'). A disposizione: 1 Ravasio, 6 Popovic, 21 De Rossi, 29 Vapore, 30 Jablonski, 70 Devoti, 78 Barry. Allenatore: Paolo Sammarco.

Recuperi: 2', 5'.

Ammoniti: Kurti (V), De Battisti (V).

Note: espulso l'allenatore del Verona Sammarco al 90+4' per proteste.

Arbitro: Simone Gauzolino (sez. Torino) Assistenti: Nigri-Della Mea

MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Team of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 line up during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Aidoo Mike of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Yvan Maye of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Leonardo Bovo of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Daniele Quieto of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 celebrates after scoring the first goal  during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 celebrates after scoring the first goal  during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 celebrates after scoring the first goal  during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 celebrates after scoring the first goal  during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20   during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20   during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Luka Topalovic of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Matteo Cocchi of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Matteo Cocchi of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Daniele Quieto of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 celebrates after scoring the first goal  during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 celebrates after scoring the first goal  during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Giacomo De Pieri of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 celebrates after scoring the first goal  during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Mattia Zanchetta of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Alessandro Calligaris of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Christos Alexiou of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Yvan Maye of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Yvan Maye of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Leonardo Bovo of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Matteo Spinaccè of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Luka Topalovic of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Daniele Quieto of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action  during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Daniele Quieto of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Luka Topalovic of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Daniele Quieto of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Matteo Cocchi of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Daniele Quieto of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action  during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Daniele Quieto of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Gabriele Re Cecconi of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Matteo Cocchi of FC Internazionale U20 in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Head Coach Andrea Zanchetta of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Head Coach Andrea Zanchetta of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)
MILAN, ITALY - OCTOBER 05: Head Coach Andrea Zanchetta of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and Hellas Verona U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on October 05, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Diego Puletto - Inter via Getty Images)

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Settore Giovanile

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MILAN, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 22: Head Coach Andrea Zanchetta of FC Internazionale Primavera U20 applaudes in action during the Primavera 1 match between FC Internazionale U20 and AC Milan U20 at Konami Youth Development Centre - Interello - in memory of Giacinto Facchetti on September 22, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)

Settore Giovanile

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Primavera, le formazioni di Inter-H.Verona

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