Inter Classics: relive Inter 3 - 2 Sampdoria on YouTube this evening


Mar 25th 2020

The second event of a format which covers Nerazzurri games of the past is coming up at 22:00 CET on YouTube

MILAN - Five minutes and 26 seconds that will never be forgotten, and it all happened on 9 January 2005. Sampdoria had taken a two-goal lead at San Siro. But just when it looked like the game was out of reach, Martins reduced the arrears in the 88th minute to give Inter hope. Two minutes and 50 seconds later, Vieri scored. 0-2 had become 2-2. “Nulla è impossibile per questa Inter” (“Nothing is impossible for this Inter side”) were the words bellowed by Roberto Scarpini. And then Karagounis crossed it in, Stankovic laid it off and Recoba let fly. From 0-2 down to 3-2 up in five minutes and 26 seconds. Delirium at the Meazza deep into stoppage time.

We'll be providing coverage of the whole match on YouTube at 22:00 CET this evening: click here to relive Inter 3-2 Sampdoria back in 2005.

This will be our second ‘Inter Classics’ match, a format that we’re bringing to you during this period without football and which will take place every Wednesday at 22:00 CET. After Inter vs. Roma last week (you can rewatch it here), this week’s event on our YouTube channel will be Inter 3-2 Sampdoria from 2005. We’ll accompany you throughout on our social media channels: there will be a ‘real time’ report on Twitter of the game which is being broadcast on YouTube, just as we would do for usual Nerazzurri games. You’ll be able to comment on and follow the match, in which Nerazzurri stars of the past will be the protagonists, by using the hashtag #InterClassics.

You were the ones who chose to relive Inter vs. Sampdoria. Following the match, you’ll be able to vote for next week’s event through a poll launched on our social media channels. INTER 3-2 SAMPDORIA

Goalscorers: 44' Tonetto, 83' Kutuzov, 88' Martins, 91' Vieri, 94' RecobaInter: 1 Toldo, 2 Cordoba, 4 J.Zanetti, 5 Emre (83' 21 Karagounis), 6 C.Zanetti (64' 30 Martins), 10 Adriano (77' 20 Recoba), 16 Favalli, 19 Cambiasso, 23 Materazzi, 25 Stankovic, 32 VieriCoach. Roberto ManciniSampdoria: 21 Antonioli, 4 Volpi, 10 Flachi (88' 5 Carrozzieri), 14 Castellini, 17 Palombo, 19 Falcone (69' 32 Pavan), 20 Rossini (73' 13 Kutuzov), 22 Tonetto, 23 Diana, 26 Pisano, 77 ZenoniCoach. Walter NovellinoReferee: BertiniBookings: Cordoba, Rossini, Volpi, Stankovic