Inter Campus from home, ideas from quarantined children around the world
— May 4th 2020While coaching and schools are suspended, here are the children’s suggestions for having fun
Being stuck at home doesn’t mean boredom: the children of Inter Campus around the world have taught us this during these days in quarantine when they’ve sent many messages, videos and pictures of their days.
Many study, draw, read and play cards or dominoes. Some are practicing in corridors, doorways and small courtyards. Everyone misses their peers and, who would’ve thought it, they can’t wait to go back to school! In the meantime, we’re training to be ready when things return to normal, taking inspiration from the exercises shared by our coaches: simple activities that have been designed specifically for this period and that can be carried out in small spaces.
And then there have also been the video calls, a fundamental tool that was perhaps a little underused until a few weeks ago. Those who can, borrow their parents’ mobile phones and join the weekly chats between local coaches and their Italian colleagues. It’s a great way to see each other, continue to teach and bring updates whilst we’re apart, and we’ll certainly use it more in future. Even today, despite the difficulties, there’s a positive side that we love to highlight.