Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Inter: Ticket info
— Feb 25th 2019Away tickets for the match on 7 March in Frankfurt are set to go on sale
MILAN – Tomorrow, on Tuesday 26 February, away tickets for the match between Eintracht Frankfurt and Inter will go on sale. The match is set to kick off at 18:55 CET on 7 March at the Commerzbank-Arena in Frankfurt.
The sale of individual tickets will take place via the dedicated section on inter.it and will be restricted to 2018/19 season ticket holders and Inter Club members. Inter Club members can only buy their tickets from their club. In either case, a maximum of one ticket per person can be bought while places remain.
A charter flight will be organised that will allow Inter fans to travel to the German city and back to Milan immediately after the match in one day.
For more information, visit inter.it/trasferte, write to [email protected] or call the 02/487776101 phone number (this is staffed Monday to Friday from 9:00 CET to 13:00 and 14:00 to 18:00 CET).