Juventus vs. Inter, information for visiting fans
— Nov 30th 2018All the details regarding purchasing tickets for Juventus vs. Inter, a match which is set to take place on Friday 7 December at the Allianz Stadium
MILAN – On Friday 7 December at 20:30 CET, Inter will take on Juventus at the Allianz Stadium on matchday 15 of the Serie A TIM season. Here’s all the important information as regards purchasing tickets for the Away Section:
Ticket prices: € 50.00 + a 2 euro fee for booking in advance. These can be purchased from Sport TicketOne sales points which are authorised to sell tickets for the Away Section.Start date and time for ticket sales: Saturday 1 December at 10:00 CETEnd date and time for ticket sales: Thursday 6 December at 19:00 CET
The Away Section has a capacity of 2,099 (1,016 for the first tier and 1,083 for the second tier).
NB: The two tiers are separate and not interlinked, and therefore it’s not possible to enter a tier which doesn’t correspond to the purchased ticket.
Initially, tickets for the first tier will go on sale, with it being possible to buy tickets for the second tier following this. Tickets will only be sold to Tessera Siamo Noi card-holders.
The stadium turnstiles are set to open at 18:30 CET.
In relazione a quanto disposto dall'Osservatorio Nazionale sulle Manifestazioni Sportive con nota nr. 14/2007 dell'8 marzo 2007 (e nr. 26/2012) in merito alla richiesta di introduzione degli striscioni, di seguito comunichiamo gli indirizzi dove far pervenire le richieste, entro i termini fissati dalle vigenti disposizioni (si ricorda che la richiesta deve essere fatta anche se lo striscione risulta presente nell'albo nazionale dell'Osservatorio Nazionale sulle Manifestazioni Sportive):- mail: [email protected]- fax: 011.6563.9257