1st half
2nd half
Minute | Text commentary |
45' | The first half finishes 1-0 to Schalke |
45' | GOAL Schalke: Raul scores, picking up a central pass and slotting the ball past Julio Cesar without being challenged |
43' | Nagatomo gets to the line and crosses but Edu heads clear |
42' | YELLOW CARD for Raul after a foul on Sneijder |
41' | Eto'o has a right-footed shot walled at the edge of the penalty area |
40' | Sneijder takes a free-kick to Stankovic, who tries in turn to put Maicon through but he can't find the target |
36' | Stankovic comes close with a shot from outside the box, but Neuer dives to his right and gets his right hand to the ball to palm it out and save |
34' | Nagatomo finds a rebound and tries a shot which goes high over the bar |
33' | Maicon manages to get the ball through to Milito in the area but Howedes gets in the way of his shot |
30' | ...and picks up a yellow card for arguing |
28' | Lucio blocks Jurado |
27' | Nagatomo crosses from the left but Neuer comes out to catch the high ball |
27' | Uchida makes a tackle on Stankovic |
24' | Sneijder takes the corner but Neuer intercepts before it reaches Eto'o |
22' | Eto'o makes progress on the left wing, then moves into the centre to shoot but the ball takes a deflection and goes wide |
18' | Eto'o attacks on the left wing and finds Sneijder who shoots, but it's no problem for Neuer |
16' | Raul tries a header but Julio Cesar is equal to it |
13' | Milito passes to Sneijder who fires right-footed, but the ball goes wide |
12' | Sneijder attacks along the left flank and crosses; Metzelder is there to get the ball to safety |
11' | Sneijder takes the corner, but Thiago Motta's header is high over the bar |
10' | Ranocchia tackles Edu well |
9' | Eto'o feeds Maicon whose right-footed shot flies above the corner of the goal |
5' | Zanetti sends Sneijder away, the Dutchman tries right-footed, but Neuer is there to save |
3' | The first corner of the match goes to Schalke: Raul goes for it but Rannocchia is there to clear |
1' | Welcome to the Veltins Arena in Gelsenkirchen, where everything is ready for the kick-off of Schalke 04 v Inter, second-leg quarter final of the UEFA Champions League 2010/11 |
1' | Inter kick off |
1' | In the team to face Schalke, Leonardo has chosen Lucio and Ranocchia in the centre of defence in front of Julio Cesar, with Maicon and Nagatomo playing wide of them. The midfield trio of Zanetti, Motta and Stankovic play behind Sneijder, with Milito and Eto'o making up the attack |
Minute | Text commentary |
45' | The second half of Schalke v Inter finishes 2-1 and the Germans go forward into the semi-finals to meet Manchester United |
45' | YELLOW CARD Ranocchia's name goes into the book as well |
42' | YELLOW CARD for Schmitz |
41' | SUBSTITUTION Schalke: Schmitz comes on for Jurado |
36' | GOAL Schalke: Howedes finds himself alone behind the defence and hits the ball hard and low past an advancing Julio Cesar |
35' | SUBSTITUTION Inter: Sneijder is taken off to make room for Coutinho |
33' | Maicon crosses into the area but Neuer makes the ball his |
32' | SUBSTITUTION Schalke: Edu is replaced by Charisteas |
30' | Sneijder takes a free-kick just outside the box and manages to float it over the wall sending Neuer scrambling but it is just wide of his right post |
28' | SUBSTITUTION Schalke: Baumjohann comes off for Draxler |
25' | Nagatomo on the right wing gives the ball to Eto'o who moves into the centre before trying to curl a ball into the top-right hand corner, just over-hitting it |
23' | Eto'o finds Milito with a pass; he tries a snapshot and the ball flies high over the bar |
21' | YELLOW CARD: Papadopoulos is booked for going into a tackle feet-first with Julio Cesar |
20' | Nagatomo tries to cross from the left wing but Neuer is there to stop it |
19' | Papadopoulis manages to get his head to a corner, just wide |
17' | Sneijder crosses for Eto'o but he doesn't manage to hit the target |
14' | A corner to Schalke, Howedes finds the back of the net, but the linesman's flag is up for offside |
13' | YELLOW CARD: Thiago Motta's name finds its way into the book |
12' | Baumjohann crosses from the left, Papadopoulos' header is high over the crossbar |
9' | Baumjohann gets into the area and manages to dribble Julio Cesar, who eventually gets a touch on the ball to clear |
4' | GOAL Inter: Sneijder's outswinging corner is met by Lucio who heads towards goal; Thiago Motta gets his left foot to the ball to put it away from close range |
4' | Maicon finds Milito but he's boxed in at the corner flag |
2' | Pandev to Milito who miskicks his pass to Sneijder |
1' | The second half of Schalke v Inter is underway |
1' | There's a change in the Inter line-up as Pandev comes on for Stankovic |