1st half
2nd half
Minute | Text commentary |
48' | The first half of Catania v Inter ends with the teams tied on 0-0 |
47' | After receiving the ball from Stankovic, Motta fires well over the bar |
45' | Damato awards three minutes injury time |
40' | Long range effort by Pesce with his left, ball just wide |
38' | Sliding challenge by Silvestre on Zanetti who was running on the right |
36' | Maicon's cross from the right, Gomez anitcipates Eto'o and clears the ball |
35' | Alvarez shoots with his right from 25 meters, his weak effort is caught by Castellazzi |
34' | Maicon's cross from the right is caught by Andujar |
31' | Pass for Milto in the box, silvestre beats him to the ball |
30' | Stankovic clears from Gomez's cross |
29' | Chivu stops Gomes who had started a run on the right |
25' | Eto'o tries to lose his marker on the left but his touch is too heavy and he loses the ball |
22' | Llama loses his marker on the edge of the box and tries the shot, it goes over the bar |
20' | Vertical pass for Lopez, Lucio anticipates with a sliding tackle |
19' | Pesce shoots from outside the box with his left, ball out wide |
17' | Ball up the field for Milito, he's brought back in front of goal because of offside |
16' | Maicon's cross from the right is caught by Andujar |
13' | Cross by Maicon from the left, Stankovic beats Alvarez to the header, Andujar however is ready |
8' | Dangerous run by Maxi Lopez on the left, Cordoba does well to close him off |
7' | Llama's cross from the left is met by Lucio who beats Silvestre to the ball |
5' | Motta clears from a Llama free-kick |
3' | Castellazzi comes off his line very well and catches Llama's corner |
1' | Welcome to the Angelo Massimino stadium: all is ready for Catania v Inter, Week 19 of the Serie A TIM 2010/2011 |
1' | Kick-off taken by Catania |
1' | For the game with Catania, Castellazzi is confirmed in goal, Maicon and Chivu full-backs, and Lucio-Cordoba in the middle; the midfield is made up of Zanetti, Cambiasso and Thiago Motta; Stankovic plays as attacking midfielder behind Milito and Eto'o who returns after his suspension |
Minute | Text commentary |
48' | The game Catania v Inter ends with a win for the Nerazzurri thanks to two goals by Cambiasso. Inter moves up to 29 points |
46' | Substitution for Inter: Milito off, Ranocchia on |
45' | Damato awards three minutes of injury time |
45' | Yellow card for Lucio for time wasting |
44' | Yellow card for Martinho after a foul on Cambiasso |
44' | Milto's left foot shot goes just wide after Pandev's cross |
38' | Substitution for Inter: Thiago Motta off, Mariga on |
37' | Substitution for Catania: Pesce off, Antenucci on |
37' | Substitution for Catania: Alvarez off, Spolli on |
36' | Yellow card for Cordoba after a foul on Maxi Lopez |
34' | GOAL INTER: CAMBIASSO again. Maicon crosses and the Argentine headers the ball into the net |
31' | Bellusci is quick to close on Milito who was running into the box from the left |
29' | GOAL INTER: CAMBIASSO scores. Stankovic serves the Argentine who controls with his left and then shoots with his right. The ball ends up in the back of the net |
26' | GOAL CATANIA: GOMEZ scores. Stankovic saves on the line from Maxi Lopez's shot, on his clearence however Gomez is ready and scores with his right |
24' | From Maicon's corner, Thiago Motta heads the ball but Andujar is ready |
24' | Good shot by Milito with his right, Andujar manages to clear the ball |
22' | Great save by Castellazzi on Martinho |
21' | Substitution for Inter: Chivu off, Pandev on |
20' | Eto'o gets free on the left inside the box, he moves towatds the middle and takes his shot: Bellusci gets in the way |
17' | Another save by Castellazzi, this time on Maxi Lopez's left foot shot |
15' | Maxi Lopez's right footed effort is out by a whisker |
11' | Stankovic takes a shot, but Andujar saves |
11' | Castellazzi saves Maxi Lopez's shot after he'd been served by Pesce: the striker was however offside |
10' | Milito with his left, Andujar saves the shot |
7' | Castellazzi gets low and blocks Ledesma's left footed shot |
6' | Change for Catania: Llama off, Martinho on |
5' | Stankovic's cross from the right goes straight to Andujar |
4' | Cordoba stoped a move between Llama and Pesce |
3' | Chance for Catania as Capuano's left foot shot goes wide |
1' | Second half kicks off with the teams unchanged |